I recently had a contextual studies lecture which included stuff about the artists studio. I think it's pretty interesting to see where famous artists worked, especially if their spaces reflected their practice.
This is Francis Bacon's studio. I've had this photo saved on my computer for age because it's awesome.
I bet his Mum never told him to tidy up...
The studios of Kurt Schwitters, above, and Piet Mondrian, below, look like extensions of their artwork.
Then there's Chuck Close. This one is interesting because you get to see his painting technique, like there's a hole in the floor for the canvas to fit in when it's moved up and down.
Also, he is The Man.
And I guess it's only fair that I show you my studio space. It's come a long way since the miniature version I made in October, but that's because I've done a lot more work. And I've adopted an easel, acquired some storage, and gathered bags and bags of junk. It's also been messier than this: this photo was taken when my exhibition was up so all my miniature pieces weren't taking up space like they usually do.