We were given a film SLR camera at the beginning of the week. It was strange working with film again, as I haven't done so since I was maybe 14. And actually looking through the view finder took a bit of getting used to. My current digital camera doesn't even have a viewfinder to look through, just the screen on the back.
This is my contact sheet. It's actually from the second film I shot as the first got completely wiped when we were developing. Something to do with the developer being contaminated. Not cool. So I had to go back out with the camera and take 36 shots in an hour.
My university doesn't use trays to process the images, instead it's simply done using a machine. An Ilford 2150rc to be exact. Apparently they don't make them like this anymore.
I've never done any wet photography before, so I can't compare, but apparently using the machine is heaps easier than trays. You just feed the exposed paper in and 90 seconds later out comes your photo. Simples.
these are really lovely photos :) x